
Wireshark display filter rip
Wireshark display filter rip

wireshark display filter rip

Router2 should provide addresses to Subnet2.Router1 should provide addresses to Subnet1.Configure the DHCP server on both routers to provide addresses to their directly connected subnet.routing rip interface add interface=etherY passive=yes # For the interface going to clients.routing rip interface add interface=etherX send=v2 receive=v2 # For the interface going to other routers.Only run RIP on the interfaces between Router1 and Router2. Don’t be lazy this time and run RIP on “all” interfaces.After configuration, verify with routing rip route print that the route table is as you desire. Configure dynamic routing (RIP) between subnets 1, 2, and 3.It's not helpful for us here.) ip dhcp-client print followed by ip dhcp-client remove numbers=0 will eliminate this. (Unless you ran Wireshark on a link, you wouldn't have previously noticed that a new MikroTik router defaults to running a DHCP client on Ether1, trying to auto-configure that network port so a new administrator can access the router over the network. Disable the DHCP Client on each router.Configure IP addresses on all router interfaces that are connected to subnets.Configure the hostnames of the routers in the router itself to prevent confusion (via the CLI).Configure the hostnames of the routers in GNS3 to prevent confusion (via the GUI).The router configuration in software needs to be consistent with the way the cables are wired in hardware. The specific port on a router does matter.The specific port on a switch does not matter (until we get to a point in the semester where we are configuring switches).The process goes more smoothly if you configure the routers first, and then the PCs in each subnet.Lab 6 Network Diagram (Note: Subnet labels and dashed borders are for informational use only) Implementation Your network topology should match this design: In this lab, you'll configure the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on the routers so that hosts can request their own IP addresses automatically.

wireshark display filter rip

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).Lab 6 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Wireshark display filter rip